
About us

RICEPO is the largest authentic Asian food ordering and delivery platform in North America. Founded in New York in 2013, RICEPO is headquartered in Silicon Valley.

RICEPO is now available in Barcelona, London, Paris, and the United States. RICEPO is now working with up to 1,000 restaurants. RICEPO connects authentic Asian food lovers with best local Asian restaurants.


Hand-picked the most authentic Chinese cuisine

Szechuan spicy chicken, Shanghai style Shao Mai, Dim Sum, we have all you favorites here. We offer full menu and the same dish you taste in hometown. Easily Order at anytime and anywhere.


Order delivery at your fingertips, within 15 sec

No built-in advertisement and no registration required.
Fast and easy order system.

Order your favorites within 15 seconds.


Spend less and enjoy more

The 1st and only overseas delivery APP which offers tons of great deals.

Including free delivery fee, 15% off and other exclusive deals…

Order according your budget. Eat healthy.


Easy and Secure Transaction

Support multi-country phone carriers. Support credit card or Apple Pay.

Bilingual customer support. Communicate with your prefer language.


WeChat Mini Program

Support WeChat Mini Program and WeChat Pay.

Enjoy easy ordering within your day-to-day communication app.